Sunday, 12 October 2014

Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan salam sejahtera,
                  Bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi kerana dengan izin kurnianya dapat juga kami menyempurnakan tugasan bagi subjek Pengajian Malaysia ini. Sepanjang menjalankan kerja kursus ini, kami telah memperoleh pelbagai pengalaman sama ada pahit mahupun manis yang amat berharga dan bermakna dalam hidup kami sebagai seorang pelajar. Pengalaman yang kami perolehi sepanjang menjalankan tugasan ini mungkin hanya akan datang sekali sahaja dalam hidup kami.

                 Justeru itu, kami juga telah memperolehi pelbagai maklumat dan pengetahuan dengan lebih terperinci lagi berkaitan tugasan ini iaitu “Pengajian Malaysia”. Sedikit sebanyak kami dapat mengetahui tentang sejarah Negara yang tercinta.
                 Di kesempatan ini, kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat sepanjang menjayakan tugasan ini. Terutamanya kepada pensyarah kami iaitu, Puan saerah  kerana beliau telah banyak memberikan tunjuk ajar kepada kami sepanjang menjalankan tugasan  ini. Tunjuk ajar beliau amat membantu kami dalam usaha menyempurnakan tugasan yang telah diamanahkan ini.
              Oleh itu, kami juga ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada ahli keluarga kami yang telah banyak memberi sokongan moral,kemudahan dan bantuan kewangan bagi menyelesaikan tugasan ini.
             Selain itu, kami turut berterima kasih kepada rakan-rakan seperjuangan kami iaitu Nurul syafiqah , Siti nor aisah , Fatin syahirah , Nurul syaheeda kerana telah banyak menghulurkan bantuan dan kerjasama bagi merealisasikan usaha menyempurnakan tugasan ini dengan jayanya.

            Ucapan ini juga ditujukan kepada semua pihak yang telah terlibat dalam menjayakan tugasan ini sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Segala bantuan yang telah anda hulurkan amatlah kami hargai kerana tanpa bantuan dan sokongan anda semua, tugasan ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna.

Sekian, terima kasih.



Adalah penting untuk memahami dan menghayati tentang kewujudan Kerajaan-kerajaan melayu di Tanah air suatu ketika dulu. Pemahaman ini dapat melahirkan kesedaran tentang wujudnya satu ketamadunan Melayu yang tinggi pada zaman dahulu. Misalnya , Kerajaan Melaka setanding dengan tamadun - tamadun dunia yang lain. Selain itu , kemunculan dan kelahiran kerajaan negeri - negeri Melayu yang lain membuktikan bahawa setiap negeri ini mempunyai kedaulatan yang tersendiri. Sejarah awal Negara memperlihatkan kehidupan masyarakat zaman awal dan perkembangannya. Sesuatu tamadun manusia itu mengedar mengikut peredaran masa dan zaman . Sebuah Negara atau bangsa perlu mempertahankan identiti sendiri , walaupun masa dan persekitaran sentiasa berubah . Penjajahan memberikan banyak kesan negatif kepada sesebuah Negara bangsa. Rakyat yang tidak bersatu padu dan tidak taat setia kepada Negara akan menyebabkan Negara itu dijajah . Sesuatu bangsa itu perlu mempunyai ilmu yang secukupnya agar minda mereka tidak mudah dipengaruh oleh orang asing.

                Dengan pemahaman itu , maka dapatlah generasi kemudiannya mengahayati dan menghargai sejarah Negara dan seterusnya mengukuhkan jati diri terhadap Tanah air. Seterusnya , generasi masa kini perlu mengkaji cara masyarakat pada masa tersebut mengadaptasi diri mereka dengan alam persekitaran . walaubagaimanapun ,Generasi baru perlu mengkaji cara manusia pada zaman dahulu dapat mencipta sesuatu teknologi yang boleh bertahan sehingga boleh dilihat oleh generasi pada zaman sekarang . Setiap individu perlu megetahui asal usul bangsanya sendiri melalui sejarah. Oleh itu , peristiwa penjajahan di Tanah Melayu perlulah dijadikan iktibar agar sentiasa mengisi kemerdekaan yang dikecapi dengan melakukan sesuatu agar menaikkan nama Negara di mata dunia.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

CHAPTER 1 EARLY HISTORY OF (Occupation of Foreign Powers)


Term expansion of foreign powers in fact will only appear when at least two of the administration or the government with one of the power entering the administrative matters or to interfere, dominate the rulership of power again. Often, too, the expansion of power refers to the political aspects of the administration and not referring specifically to the aspects of trade because it involves a sovereign government of a country or state. 

Background expansionist foreign 

1. Malaya 
Often, the expansion of foreign powers in Malaya, often refers to the presence of Western powers such as the Portuguese, Dutch, British and Japanese. Expansion of power can occur either through conquest or through agreements signed. 
Since the early 16th century, Malacca was conquered by the Portuguese. This means that the capture of the Portuguese foreign domination of the administrative matters of the Malays as well as the introduction of some foreign elements have permeated into the culture of the Malays. 
The presence of the Dutch also have an impact on the Malay Peninsula. This authority replaces the power of the Portuguese but unlike the Portuguese, they only focus on economic matters. 
British foreign power which is the most powerful influence in matters of administration and all other aspects. At first, they only intended to carry out economic activities, but on the basis of priority with China, they began to change their policy of non-intervention to intervention. 
2 Sarawak 
Expansion of foreign powers in Sarawak more referring to the British, in which a former soldier of the English East India Company (SHTI), James Brooke was appointed by Pangeran Muda Hashim as the "King of Sarawak". Position is then passed to his son. When the hands Vyner Brooke, he had to hand over power to the people of Sarawak by the Supreme Council and the Council of State with the declaration of the Sarawak Constitution in 1941 Then, Sarawak fledged British colony in 1946. 
3 Sabah 
At first, American trade with Sabah through an agreement made ​​in 1850 through an agreement, C. Lee Moses got land leases from the Sultan of Brunei. Moses gave the land to William Torrey. He cultivated coffee but was not successful and the area was sold to Baron Von Overbeck and Alfred Dent. Company Overbeck and Dent later formed the British company to attract British palabur. Overbeck could not join this company because she was not a British citizen. Dent received a charter from the British, and a company named Company of North Borneo Chartered Company was founded in 1881. ruled Sabah until 1946 and then handed over to the British Government. 

Mekantilisme is a policy in which wealth is measured by gold and silver and its main objective is to increase the quantity of money and precious minerals in the country. Within the meaning of Thomas, mekantilisme is a concept in which to make a country rich and powerful; get richer every year due to other countries. 
Prosperity meant by golongen mekantilisme is based on population, gainful employment for the whole population alone. 
  In short, a policy that emphasizes mekantilisme 3K of power, wealth and welfare. Wealth gained by mastering the colony and hold the balance of trade in favor of the mother country. Power is obtained by enlarging the armed forces, improve the shipping industry and provide shipping act that denies rights to trade in the colonies to foreign powers. Welfare of the people in the mother country was obtained by passing acts which could increase the country's productivity Apprentice Poor Law Act in 1563 and 1600 in England. 

Imperialism is a policy or action of a conquered country or power to impose its rule over other countries. As mekantilisme policy, imperialism is a form of colonialism but it is more obvious because it involves political power and rule directly claimed the sovereignty of a nation or state. In other words, the right to administer and control a group of people was taken over by another new power of the imperialist powers. We can also say that the imperial policy based on the concept of starting or mekantilisme. 


Colonialism is a policy to enforce or maintain power or rule over the state territory. In other words, colonialism means action colonize other countries. If you just put the imperialist power against a nation or government, colonialism was an act of interfering in the internal matters of state or government who have colonized it. This means that the concept of colonialism was an extension of the efforts of imperialism in the sense of strengthening the efforts of colonization.               



5 Ogos 1957 - Picture taken before agreement signed embodiment of the Federation of Malaya 1957 three of the left (sitting): The Regent of Johore, SultanPerak, Raja Perlis, Yang Di-Pertuan Negeri Sembilan Great, Sultan of Kedah, the High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, Sultan of Pahang, SultanSelangor, Sultan Sultan of Kelantan and Terengganu. Standing behind Sir Donald, was Chief Secretary, Sir David Watherston. 

54 years has past when even dated 31st Ogos Malaysia so a new name in our memory, in memory of the people tua.Malaysia - Malayan Union - Malaya - Tanah Melayu - Tanah Segara Masin. Consecution name of the peninsula from the present back to when met people run from the 'other side'. From the opening of Kedah Tua connected to Melaka, Malay Land fame famous throughout the world for hundreds of years before it was colonized and achieving independence 'supposedly-kononnya' in 1957 ... 
Throughout the long struggle mananya previous ones to liberate the homeland from invaders for hundreds of years in the entire period epilogue endless struggle, throughout the story, too, we want to dismantle it as true tentangKEMERDEKAAN ever tried by pengasas UMNOiaitu Dato 'Onn Jaafar as KEMREDEKAAN HALF THE COOK. angry, upset, sad and crying when recalling how much the trip to achieve an independence mulia.Semoga can we make the guidelines and legacy for children and grandchildren and generations to come. God willing! 
The story begins when the kingdom began to form around the year 1136/1137 with the emergence of Kedah Tua so the emergence of Melaka in the year 1400 Kings Sovereignty of Malay descent down from Ahlul Bait jurai illuminate the earth east peace. Nusantara kingdoms so milestones and left-wing defense for the kingdom of the great Turkish Utmaniah in the Middle East. Big names such as Melaka, Demak, Aceh, Pontianak, Sulu and some other name so fitting wasilah of Mecca, Medina, Yemen and other Arab countries in the Land. Crusade between Islam and Christian grabs the sustainable city for hundreds of years Jerusalam also starring characters, armies and the Malay Archipelago in particular. But who would know the reality of this fact today? Who knows Melaka is a left-wing Turkish Empire Utmaniah? If no who knows, we as a fitting merdekakah wasilah? 
When the first Malay kingdom mahsyur, famous around the globe, so the main language Malay sailors, merchants and nombor two world language after Arabic. Humans speak in a dialect of Malay, Melaka, in Arabic, in China, in Europe as well in negaraHindi. That is the greatness of the Malay first. Not just a reliable deal about politics, pentadbiran country, ketenteraan, even language itself so grip in addition to religious and customary rights resam old legacy remains. But today, when our independence, Malay increasingly fall to the stairs in the arena knows how nombor major world languages​​. Malay so 'language of the middle of nowhere' ... Land of the Melaka Malay and so amnya first home together for the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Persians, Siamese and a few other people and nation again. On when this, amnya archipelago has become 'The United States' nearly 400 years before kewujudan USA (1776)! 
Even if today's class will be made ​​aware of the mistake we as a nation have forgotten or group today will know the origin of the Malays in addition to the said nation 'run' in the dialect of Java, they must first person terpegun with greatness. Tergamam certainly unspeakable. Certainly independent heart, mind and body. Merdekalah then they are in truth free. 
To say about Java, there are not too berselisihan in terms of his deep Malay-Javanese Javanese is also in addition to Malay Deli, Original, Teak, the Minang, Bugis and Malay various fractions again. Quaint? Do not be confused! Malays themselves are orchestrated various other clumps before it can be a single nation. As the story of the origin of the name of Aceh. The origin story of the unification of the four nations in the world before the so Malays. But who would know the origin of the name of Aceh today? Perhaps the few who want to examine, perhaps also a fairly crowded but there is no best scholars recite pouring science stares back for posterity descent ... So merdekakah them? 
So when the Portuguese and other countries that adhere to the teachings of 'Jesus Christ' and losers teruk in the crusade in the Middle East despite the great king led Richard the Lion Heart, they first find weaknesses Turkey Utmaniah Cuba, Cuba looking armies weaknesses and pupils Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, but nothing visible. So far meneroka view of the enemy to the east, and Melaka became targets of religious rancor hundreds of years. 
Who said the Portuguese attack Melaka want monopoly of commerce on the basis of the herb or master earth east sea trade solely? Amended as true history of school textbooks today make children forget so sasau recalled then headed towards the nation. Portuguese goal is not simply and solely based on 3G! 3G is not available in the talian bimbit phone today, but God, Glory and Gold! His deep god. The main agenda of his deep religious so ... Revenge terpadam crusade yet in the soul. 


Percubaan first attack on Melaka to the Portuguese in 1509 under the leadership of Diego Lopez de Sequiera victorious armies defeated the Portuguese Melaka but breaking again in 1511 by Alfonso de Albuquerque as the player turns on during the second half. Timely dawn Ogos 24, 1511, off the dawn prayer, Melaka is a little early so Portuguese food. Bermulalah up the nation's colonial-era Malay, Malay kingdoms, resam Malay customs. All the Malays 'diPortugiskan' by them, and all the Portuguese, Portuguese so eternal. So we have not merdekalah at that time. Portuguese sits over a hundred years. So the king of the vanity. So lord ruled a foreign land. From here, there arose the names of the defenders of the nation such as Hang Nadim, Commander Awang (Henry The Black / Enrique of Malacca), Raja Haji, Daeng frangipani, Patih Unus and again crowded with defenders armies of determined people's lives all pelusuk archipelago such as Aceh, Java and Demak rotating-shifts against the Portuguese. 
Panglima Awang who escaped from Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world even become the first man (if taken about the origin of Melaka then sail to Europe, before returning to the Malay Archipelago and the amnya Melaka) in 1521 again attacked to free the hands of Melaka from the Portuguese. His struggles are connected by the death of his son selapas. Shortly after that, Admiral Hang Nadim appears also to fight and get the original iaitu Melaka in 1525 after 14 years of Portuguese rule. But before long, the original Portuguese seized Melaka. In the years 1615 - 1629, Aceh armies forces also attacked Melaka and Melaka charming prevail for several months, before falling again into the hands of the Portuguese and colonized eternal ... 
After swallowing Malay Portuguese full in approximately 125 years, they dinyahkan of the archipelago by the Dutch. Netherlands also no less greedy and hearty. All Malays who have 'diPortugiskan' by Potugis, 'diBelandakan' also by the Dutch. Dutch sit 100 years as well. Dutch prowess make them hire Tanah Melayu for 154 years starting from 1641 so that in 1795. 
Briefly the Dutch occupation in the approximate age of the human principle rawak iaitu 50-60 years, if someone was born in 1641, then when that person dies - connected to her child and her death - in connection to the grandchildren so that his grandson died, then graduated from the Dutch government in the amount of 154 years.


Independence procession led by Tunku placards asking Chin Peng his promise to lay down their arms because Malaya was Merdeka.
UK to Malacca in 1795 and took over the interim administration of the Netherlands as a result of 'Napoleonic War in Europe. In 1824 began to take Melaka legally and offer an alliance in the Netherlands. In 1824, the Alliance Dutch -Inggeris already dimertai. Bengkulu playground Admiral Hang Tuah and friends, so the exchange. British surrender Bengkulu in Dutch and Malacca fell into the hands of the English. Among the results from the UK who are seeing today is the name of the Bengkulu perpetuate the name of the street in Singapore and is known by the name of Bencoolen Street ...
English prowess more evident in subsequent eras when power intervention in the Malay rulers. Former institution kings began belittled to unquestioned and tossed-hull dignity before stepping pulverized. Governor system introduced and directly Royal cripple the Constitution. This is the beginning of the era of the struggle phase two. From here arose the names of the defenders of the Malays as Mat Shine, Datuk Bahaman, Tok, Si Bongkok Tanjung Puteri Datuk Maharaja Lela and many others that have been forgotten and outdated meraka name from the history books and textbooks from high school history ..

Monday, 6 October 2014

CHAPTER 5 COMMUNITY AND fusion (principle of national integration and fusion)

Malaysia is a unique country. People from different ethnic and racial. In fact, this diversity is a strength that punctuate pattern of the country. No wonder Malaysia is a plural society model to other communities. Therefore, unity and national integration is a need to assure the people live in peace. National unity generally refers to the consolidation of the various groups that have a social and cultural backgrounds are different. Efforts towards unity can be seen through the consolidation of Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular states. Moreover, these efforts can be seen through the government's efforts to eradicate poverty irrespective of race and ethnic groups put different backgrounds in a residential area of the same.

The concept of integration is broader. It is said to be an abstract process, a smooth and prolonged consolidation. Integration is a process that unites the various groups in the community through an identity. Following the incident May 13, 1969, the government began to focus the efforts and strategies towards the creation of national integration. In short, national unity and integration are fundamental goals baginagara Malaysia. The concept of unity is very important in promoting Malaysia as a country with a strong and united. Indirectly, unity can ensure national security, economic stability, political in the long term. To further strengthen unity among the people of various ethnic and racial, the government has established several strategic approach in economics, politics and education to achieve the goals of unity.

Business and Government Measures to Overcome Obstacles and Intregrasi National Unity

Ethnic riots May 13, 1969 has become a key point towards a rethinking of national policies and prosesr e-enggineer ing community committed to comprehensive, covering all fields of economic, social and political. The government has launched efforts to address specific barriers. Among the efforts of political, economic, social and education. This step is carried out simultaneously and overlap. It aims to bridge the gap between groups that have existed in their social relationships.

1 Political Unity

Malaysia's political unity can be seen starting in the 1950s. System 'coalition' in terms of racial diversity is one way bagimenggabungkan political races and developed further through flexible sistempolitik. This becomes apparent when the emergence of the party 'Alliance' yangmerupakan result of the merger with UMNO, MCA and MIC. Membership in the party's component parties also increased after the emergence of the National Front. The system also does not ignore the political parties in Sabah and Sarawak can join kerajaancampuran on center stage in Kuala Lumpur.
Democratic government is an alternative to overcome the problems of unity. All citizens are eligible and do not violate the laws of the country can voice their opinions and criticisms. selection of candidates in the elections is free and fair.candidate who won the election with a majority of votes entitled to be representative of the people and can articulate the aspirations of the people through the State Assembly or the House of Representatives

2 Economic Unity

The process of economic development has been designed for people membolehkansemua menyertaisemua field and level of economic activity. To achieve this goal, kerajaantelah taking steps to integrate the economy. Some development policies have been enacted as the New Economic Policy, the National Development Policy, and other policies of economic development. These policies are taken to ensure a balanced development of the key sectors of the economy to enable growth more equitable and mutually complement each other.The purpose of this policy was introduced is because the government is always trying to raise the living standards of its people. These policies is a government initiative to engage all citizens to participate in the development of the country so that the country can achieve more progress membanggakan.Dengan demise of symptom differences by race with economic function will be able to create unity in economic activity among people of different races. This will enhance the status of the development of the national economy.

3 Social and Cultural Unity

Short-term strategy is the implementation of activities that promote interaction and unity among Malaysians yangberbilang races. Short-term strategy is an ongoing national level, states, provinces and regions of Neighbourhood Watch.The activities carried out involving the local community of all ages and ethnic origin accounted for social education, sports, recreation, arts and culture, and health and the environment, welfare, religious, economic, and security.Integration trips are also organized for the residents to visit other provinces during festive occasions general public. With the ongoing activities, will allow people to interact and establish relationships between them. In addition, to create a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony.
Meanwhile, long-term strategy is implemented through policies and government programs geared towards national unity as the National Development Policy, National Youth Policy, Social Policy, National Service Training Program and others, including sports programs, cultural and festivals such as the councils of Malaysia in conjunction with an open house to celebrate common festivals of ethnic groups in Malaysia.
Finally, when unity will serve as a cultural society we will achieve a real sense of unity in a Malaysian race that we have set as a goal of leading the country.

4 Unity Education

National education goals are in line with the National Education Philosophy in fostering a sense of citizenship and pride of race and religion. Played by education policy is very important in the integration process and the development of a country.
Various policies have been implemented since independence to the present day to streamline the education system. Barnes Committee, Fenn-Wu Report, the Education Ordinance 1952, the Razak Report, The Rahman Talib, the National Education Policy and other policies on the issue of education's role is to foster unity. Democratization of education introduced by the Ministry of Education is to ensure that all race or ethnic attention and funding and facilities yangsama and fairness in education whether they attended school in the city or outside bandar.Oleh as Malaysians, we should continue to maintain the magnitudes the unity that was founded earlier. Only through pendidikansaja, multi-ethnic Malaysians to inculcate a sense of togetherness since childhood to adults

CHAPTER 8 THINKING AND TRUST (the development of Islam)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Growth factors in the Malay Muslim

ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT FACTORS DIALAM MALAY Advances Islam began to grow in the Malay world in the 13th century AD. By the 15th century AD, Islam was able to extend its influence throughout the Malay close and end the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism that dominated the area since the 15th century AD. Developer-developer of Islam and spread Islam to the Malay world cultures have understood the problems faced by adherents of Islam in the area. Thinkers Malay culture and Islam has adapted various aspects of Malay culture Denga Islamic characteristics, so that the Malays were born civilization which show elements of universal Islam. With the benefits of a wholesome Islamic Malay civilization to create a dynamic community of the Malay world until forces formed a strong personality.But the strength of Western colonialism aided by modern technology can overcome and dominate the Islamic world.As a result, the Muslims left behind centuries of the current development of world civilization. Upon the Muslim world free from the shackles of colonialism then Muslims face a problem of culture time to adjust various aspects of the civilization that dominated their lives with religious spirit. This is a challenge that requires a concrete approach to show its benefits to attract the support of restoring power as promised by God in the Quran. Introduction of the Malay Malay World is an area also known as the 'Festival'. It refers to the countries of Southeast Asia, the islands of the Indonesian archipelago, Malaysia and the Philippines. The concept of the Malay world worn by UNESCO to take into account the entire Malay race Polonesia from Malagasy Islands to the west and east of Easter Island, Formosa Island, Hawaii in the north and the islands of Indonesia and New Zealand in the south. Alam Malays are known as the 'Pearl of the Orient'. Township lush with flora and fauna as well as the store of treasures ekenomi resources in the earth and the sea bottom. In persadanya various human ethnic groups live together. This makes the Malay world as the 'Garden Kesuma Wicitra' or 'Garden Variety Flowers' which expressed the philosophy of cultural diversity in a large Malay stock. From a historical perspective, the Malay civilization more than 5000 years old, taking into account Deutro Malay civilization that existed around 3000 years BC. Alam Malays also have their own kebudayaanya old building along with other world civilizations. In the development process, it goes through three main stages, namely: a) the civilization of Ancient or Pre-history (up to the 3rd century AD), b), namely from the arrival of Hindu Civilization Hindu influence (3rd century AD & Arab Gentiles, until the year 1200 AD ) c) Modern Civilization after the advent of Islam (1200 AD to present) FACTORS IN THE MALAY WORLD ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT There are many factors that influence the spread of Islam in the Malay world. Among these factors are as follows: 1) Trade Many historians agree that the religion of Islam was introduced in the archipelago through trade. Role of Muslim merchants, especially in the early days of Islam in the archipelago of utmost importance. The traders from Arabia, India, and Persia have focused commercial activities in the region since the 8th century or the 9th again. While according to Chinese records, the Muslim traders already in Malay waters since the mid-7th century again. Among these items are pepper, spices, incense and camphor mainly. Specifically about camphor, it was considered as the cause that led the Arabs to the archipelago since the beginning. Actually, this stuff is not only required by the Arabs, but also Western ones. Islamic traders are believed to have set up their colonies in the Malay Peninsula Waters and Sumatra to conduct commercial activities. Besides being a merchant, merchants are conducting missionary activities in the areas visited.Some of them do not perform missionary activities but has provided service to the missionaries boarded their ships for propagating from one port to another. Quickly this way Islam spread in the Malay world. Malacca has become an Islamic state as a result of trading activities. After Melaka become an Islamic state, missionary activities were extended to Java and Brunei in the same way. Finally, the two countries in accordance with the measure of Malacca. 2) Islamic eBooks factors spread of Islam in the Malay world also comes from the superiority of Islam. Among them is the simplicity, purity, and sanctity of Islam, which is rooted to a single deity and equality among fellow Muslims, not as practiced by Hindu devotees who worship the Malays before the gods and deities as well mangamalkan caste system. Members Modern sociologists explain that pro-Islamic sentiments among Muslims deep in this area, especially in urban areas is strongly influenced by the anti caste system. The lower classes of society to realize that they do not have the position in the system of the old society. Conversion to Islam is an effective way to free them from the shackles of caste. Islamic teachings that emphasize equality among humans has become a key factor in the conversion. Indeed followed caste systems as practiced in India, but it is not true at all if it is considered that there is no difference in quality among the Hindu community digugusan Malay archipelago at that time. 3) Marriage Many merchants who came to the Malay world is the rich. Some have a close relationship with local dignitaries. With wealth, they managed to convince local women to be wives. In fact, there is a merchant who could marry the daughters of chiefs, particularly among children at the time of the Malacca Sultanate. Family relationships have facilitated the merchants directly preach Islam with their own kin. Marriage was also at least be able to attract local chiefs to accept Islam. Normally, when the chiefs accepted Islam then will be followed the next lower class or people en masse. As a result it increased the number of people who profess the religion of Islam. Agama Islam also spread through the marriage of the king of a country with a princess from another country. This process is usually called a wedding personality. This measure has helped the spread of Islam to the country. For instance Pasai princess wedding with Megat Iskandar Shah cause spread of Islam in Pasai to Malacca. Likewise, child marriage with the son of the daughter of the king of Malacca, Pahang and Kedah which eventually led to both a Muslim state then. 4) Government Islamization Islamization government is one of the factors for the development of Islam in the Malay world. An example is in Malacca, when the king of Malacca Parameswara converted to Islam many followers pengukut and people who converted to Islam. When rulers converted to Islam, changed their names and dubbed as Sultan. In the process of Islamization ruling merchants serving as missionaries. Merchants not only trade but also to spread Islam. Merchants often consists of people who are rich. and to attract the government with the wealth they have. 5) Racing Spread Islam And Christianity bertanggumgjawab Another factor for the spread of Islam in the region because of the race spread of Islam and Christianity, especially in the 15th century and into the -16 is considered as a result of the Crusades. Since the Iberian peninsula was conquered by Islamic forces in 732 M continues to battle the Crusaders and then in the 15th century left a deep impact and in the writings of Western Orientalists often narrow-said, shrunk the role of Islam in addition to efforts to undermine religion Islam. This competition is one reason Islam has grown rapidly among the people of the Malay Archipelago. 6) Conquest Conquest is just as important a factor driving the spread of Islam in the Archipelago. What that means is that the conquest carried out by an Islamic state on the territory. If the district has not been captured by the Islamic conquest of the nobles will be influenced by Islam for political motives, the economy and so on. If the district had captured the dangan Islamic conquest, Islam can be developed more effectively. Pasai as described in Ibn Batuta entry has expanded its political power to the surrounding area with the last war to spread Islam in the region. Malacca at the time of power Treasurer Tun Perak managed to conquer several regions in Malaya and Sumatra such as Pahang, Terengganu, Farmer, Kampar, Inderangiri, Rokan, Siak, Johor, Bangkalis and other host of others. Thus Islam could have easily spread in areas such dependencies. Government of Aceh is a Muslim empire spread over the 16th and 17th centuries in Southeast Asia, which has extensive colonies in Sumatra and Malaya could have easily spread Islam also tajahannya's land area. There are indeed written in the history of Aceh Aceh that the government has sent missionaries of Islam to the region of their colonies in Java. Demak Muslim governments also have conquered the regions ruled by the Hindu kingdoms. For example, the Hindu Majapahit kingdom was defeated and made ​​a dependent colony. In this way the Majapahit turned into an Islamic state. 7) Literature Literature has also become an important channel for the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. With the advent of Islam, the people in the Malay language as the main means of transportation. Having one of these languages, activities to spread Islam to be more easily and smoothly. Islam has also introduced Jawi. This facilitates the scholars and preachers teach about knowledge related to Islam because they can control the Jawi script. During the times of the greatness of Malacca and Aceh, Malay was made ​​the medium of their education system. Various forms of Arabic literature such as poetry and couplets distinction of Malay influence. As a result of literature, Islamic literature has been developed by Malay and will certainly further expand the understanding of the Malay people against the teachings of Islam. Employees and several prominent local and foreign scholars have produced works of Islamic whether in original or translations and plating. The bulk of the work as the Prophet Shaving Tale, The Tale of King Trench, Hikayat Amir Hamzah and others are favored by the Malays.These works contain a variety of elements that can be closer to understanding pembacannya to Islam itself. Islamic literature is rapidly expanding in Aceh to produce many leaders like Hamza Fansuri satera and Nuruddin al-Raniri who successfully authored a wide range of religious texts. These books are then distributed throughout the colonies, and it will certainly help in the spread of Islam in the Malay world or archipelago. 8) The role of Sufi Tsawuf and dissemination activities Isalm dikebangkan by members of Sufism and Sufi. Members of Sufism da sufu is powerful Islamic clerics do. Both of these groups have shown a good example of Islam itself. They were dressed in clean, courteous Satun and bertatatertip up behavior and their spoken public persona. Malacca At times, this group was also given a high honor by the government because of Bija in our words. Advice heard by sultans and princes par. At the time of the Sultanate of Aceh, the newborn was given a key role in the administration. During the administration of Iskandar Muda, a total of 22 scholars (of Sufism) has been a member of the House Gadang become a center for discussing problems and religious problems pemarintahan country. Among them were Hamzah Fansuri and Nuruddin al-Raniri. They have made ​​a significant contribution to Aceh dalah activities as the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile at the time of the Islamic government Demak, golonhan is known as the Wali Songo. They play an important role in the spread of Islam in Java. Figures Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang and Sunan Gunung Jati is no stranger in the history of the influence of Islam in Java and beyond. Conclusions Islam has influenced most of the inhabitants of the Malay although Hinduism early foothold in the region. Islam has brought high civilization and iden-equipped to cover all aspects of life. Basic foundation of Islamic civilization spread across the archipelago since the beginning of the 15th century has become the life of the Malays until now. 
Ustaz Abd Aziz bin Harjin Lecturer in Islamic Civilisation Universiti Teknologi MARA 02600 Arau Perlis Perlis MALAYSIA P: 04-9882701 H: 013-4006206 E: W: 

Saturday, 27 September 2014

BAB 8 : PEMIKIRAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN (Mengapa manusia perlu beragama ?)

“Dasar pertama agama adalah mengenal-Nya”. Perkataan ini sangat tepat sehingga ia akan mengingatkan banyak orang yang beragama, yang ia sebenarnya tidak mengenal agamanya dengan baik, meskipun ia tahu bahawa mengenal agama seharusnya berada pada peringkat awal sebelum ia mengamalkan ajarannya.
Tetapi secara realitinya, keberagamaan sebahagian besar dari mereka tidak sebagaimana mestinya. Nah, dalam kesempatan ini akan diberikan penjelasan tentang mengapa kita beragama dan bagaimana seharusnya kita beragama dan bagaimana seharusnya kita beragama? Sehingga kita beragama atas dasarbashirah (pengetahuan, pengertian dan bukti).
Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad), inilah jalan-Ku. Aku mengajak kepada Allah dengan bashirah (hujjah yang nyata).” (Yusuf: 108).
Namun, sebelum menjawab dua pertanyaan di atas, ada baiknya kami terlebih dahulu membicarakan tentang dîn itu sendiri.
Dîn berasal dari bahasa Arab dan dalam Al Quran disebutkan sebanyak 92 kali. Menurut erti bahasa (etimologi), dîn diertikan sebagai balasan dan ketaatan. Dalam erti balasan, Al Quran menyebutkan kata dîn dalam surat Al-Fatihah ayat 4, maliki yawmiddîn – “(Dialah) Pemilik (raja) hari pembalasan.“
Demikian pula dalam sebuah hadis, dîn diertikan sebagai ketaatan. Rasulullah saaw bersabda, “ad-dînu nashihah (Agama adalah ketaatan).” Sedangkan menurut terminologi teologi, dîn diertikan sebagai sekumpulan keyakinan, hukum dan norma yang akan menghubungkan seseorang kepada kebahagiaan manusia, baik di dunia mahupun di akhirat.
Berdasarkan hal di atas, dîn mencakupi tiga dimensi, (1) keyakinan (akidah), (2) hukum (syariat) dan (3) norma (akhlak). Ketiga dimensi tersebut dikemas sedemikian rupa sehingga satu sama lain saling berkaitan dan tidak boleh dipisahkan antara satu dengan lainnya.
Dengan menjalankan dîn, kebahagiaan, kedamaian dan ketenangan akan dapat diraih di dunia dan di akhirat. Seseorang dikatakan mutadayyin (ber-dîndengan baik), jika dia dapat melengkapi dirinya dengan tiga dimensi agama tersebut secara sempurna, sehingga dia pasti berbahagia.
Dalam dimensi keyakinan atau akidah, seseorang harus meyakini dan mengimani beberapa perkara dengan kukuh dan kuat, sehingga keyakinannya tersebut tidak dapat digoyahkan lagi. Keyakinan seperti itu akan diperoleh seseorang dengan hujah (dalil aqli) yang dapat dipertahankan. Keyakinan ini pada intinya berkisar pada keimanan kepada Allah dan hari akhirat.
Adapun syariat adalah daripada dampak logik dan praktik menerusi sesuatu keyakinan. Mengamalkan syariat merupakan perwakilan dari keyakinan. Sehingga sulit dipercayai jika seseorang mengaku beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat tetapi tidak mengindahkan syariat-Nya, kerana syariat merupakan kewajiban dan larangan yang datang dari-Nya.
Sedangkan akhlak adalah tuntutan akal budi (‘aql ‘amali) yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan keburukan. Seseorang belum boleh dikatakan mutadayyin selagi tidak berakhlak – “la dîna liman la akhlaqa lahu.” Demikian pula, keliru sekali jika seseorang terlalu mementingkan akhlak daripada syariat.
Dari ketiga dimensi dîn tersebut, keyakinan (akidah) menduduki posisi yang paling prinsip dan menentukan. Dalam pengertian, bahwa yang menentukan seseorang itu mutadayyin atau tidak adalah keyakinannya. Dengan kata lain, yang memisahkan seseorang yang beragama dari yang tidak beragama (atheis) adalah keyakinannya. Lebih khusus lagi, bahwa keyakinanlah yang menjadikan seseorang itu disebut muslim, kristiani, yahudi atau lainnya.
Marilah kita kembali pada pertanyaan semula, “mengapa kita beragama?”
Manusia adalah satu spesies makhluk yang unik dan istimewa dibanding makhluk-makhluk lainnya, termasuk malaikat, kerana manusia dicipta dari unsur yang berbeza, iaitu unsur haiwani/benda dan unsur ruhani /bukan-benda.
Memang, dari unsur haiwani manusia tidak lebih dari binatang, bahkan lebih lemah darinya. Bukankah banyak di antara binatang yang lebih kuat secara fizik dari manusia? Bukankah ada binatang yang memiliki ketajaman mata yang melebihi mata manusia? Bukankah ada pula binatang yang deria baunya lebih peka dan lebih tajam dari deria bau manusia? Dan sejumlah kelebihan-kelebihan lainnya yang dimiliki selain manusia.
Sehubungan ini Allah swt berfirman, “Dan manusia diciptakan dalam keadaan lemah.” (An-Nisa: 28). “Allah telah menciptakan kalian lemah, kemudian menjadi kuat, lalu setelah kuat kalian menjadi lemah dan tua.” (Rum: 54).Masih banyak ayat lainnya yang menjelaskan hal serupa.
Kerana itu, sangatlah tidak wajar bagi manusia berbangga dengan penampilan fiziknya, di samping itu penampilan fizik adalah wahbi sifatnya (semata-mata pemberian dari Allah, bukan hasil usahanya).
Kelebihan manusia terletak pada unsur ruhani (mencakup hati dan akal, keduanya bukan materi). Dengan akalnya, manusia yang lemah secara fizik dapat menguasai dunia dan mengatur segala yang ada di atasnya. Kerana unsur inilah Allah menciptakan segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi untuk manusia (Lihat surat Luqman ayat 20).
Dalam salah satu ayat Al Quran ditegaskan, “Sungguh telah kami muliakan anak-anak Adam, kami berikan kekuasaan kepada mereka di darat dan di laut, serta kami anugerahi mereka rizki. Dan sungguh kami utamakan mereka di atas kebanyakan makhluk Kami lainnya.” (Al-Isra: 70).
Unsur akal pada manusia, awalnya masih berupa potensi (bil-quwwah) yang perlu difaktualkan (bil-fi’li) dan ditampakkan. Oleh kerana itu, jika sebahagian manusia lebih utama dari sebahagian lainnya, maka hal itu semata-mata kerana hasil usahanya sendiri, kerana itu dia berhak berbangga atas lainnya.
Sebahagian mereka ada pula yang tidak berusaha memzahirkan dan menampakkan potensinya itu, atau memzahirkannya hanya untuk memuaskan tuntutan haiwaninya, maka orang itu sama dengan binatang, bahkan lebih hina dari binatang (Al-A’raf: 170 dan Al-Furqan: 42).
Termasuk ke dalam unsur ruhani adalah fithrah. Manusia memiliki fithrah yang merupakan modal terbesar manusia untuk maju dan sempurna. Dîn adalah bahagian dari fithrah manusia.
Dalam kitab Fitrat, Murtadha Muthahhari menyebutkan adanya lima macam fithrah (kecenderungan) dalam diri manusia, yaitu mencari kebenaran (haqiqat), condong kepada kebaikan, condong kepada keindahan, berkarya (kreativiti) dan cinta (isyq) atau menyembah (beragama). Sedangkan menurut Ja’far Subhani,terdapat empat hal kecenderungan pada manusia, iaitu dengan mengecualikan kecenderungan berkarya seperti pendapat Muthahhari tersebut (kitab al-Ilahiyyat, juz 1).
Kecenderungan beragama merupakan bahagian dari fithrah manusia. Manusia diciptakan oleh Allah dalam bentuk cenderung beragama, dalam erti manusia mencintai kesempurnaan yang mutlak dan hakiki serta ingin menyembah pemilik kesempurnaan tersebut.
Taqi Mishbah Yazdi, dalam kitab Ma’arif Al Quran juz 1 hal. 37, ada menyebutkan adanya dua ciri fithrah, baik fithrah beragama mahupun lainnya, yang terdapat pada manusia, iaitu pertama kecenderungan-kecenderungan (fithrah) tersebut diperoleh tanpa usaha atau ada dengan sendirinya, dan kedua fithrah tersebut ada pada semua manusia walaupun keberadaannya pada setiap orang berbeda, ada yang kuat dan ada pula yang lemah.
Dengan demikian, manusia tidak harus dipaksa beragama, namun cukup kembali pada dirinya untuk menyambut suara dan panggilan hatinya, bahawa ada sesuatu yang menciptakan dirinya dan alam sekitarnya.
Meskipun kecenderungan beragama adalah suatu yang fithri, namun untuk menentukan siapa atau apa yang pantas dicintai dan disembah bukan merupakan bahagian dari fithrah, melainkan tugas akal yang dapat menentukannya.
Jadi jawaban dari pertanyaan mengapa manusia harus beragama, adalah bahawa beragama merupakan fithrah manusia. Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu kepada dîn dengan lurus, sebagai fithrah Allah yang atasnya manusia diciptakan.” (Rum: 30).

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

BAB 7 : ISU ISU KEPRIHATINAN NEGARA (Faktor Pembentukan Dasar Luar Malaysia)

Faktor-Faktor Pembentukan Dasar Luar Malaysia

Pembentukan dasar luar Malaysia dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang menentukan corak dan arah dasar luar negara. Faktor-faktor berkenaan ialah sejarah, ekonomi, politik, geografi dan demografi.


Sejak zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka telah terjalin hubungan dengan negara luar seperti China, Arab, Siam dan juga negeri-negeri di Kepulauan Melayu. Hubungan luar ini lebih berbentuk hubungan perdagangan. Pada masa ini telah terjalin hubungan Melayu serumpun di Kepulauan Melayu termasuklah negara-negara yang ada pada hari ini dikenali sebagai Indonesia, Brunei, Singapura dan Malaysia. Setelah mencapai kemerdekaan, Malaysia menyertai pertubuhan Komanwel dan meneruskan hubungan diplomatic dengan Britain dan negara Komanwel lain seperti Australia dan New Zealand. Pada masa itu, Malaysia sedang diancam oleh fahaman komunis yang disebarkan oleh Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM). Ancaman komunis ini menggugat keselamatan negara Malaysia dan dengan ini mendorong Malaysia mengamalkan dasar luar yang pro-Barat dan antikomunis. Pada masa yang sama, Malaysia masih bergantung kepada kuasa Barat kerana Malaysia belum mempunyai keupayaan pertahanan.


Malaysia merupakan negara yang mengamalkan pasaran bebas dan dengan ini menjalin hubungan baik dengan negara-negara lain di dunia dalam usaha memajukan ekonominya. Sejak zaman penjajahan British lagi, Malaysia merupakan antara negara pengeluar utama bijih timah dan getah. Pada masa ini telah terjalin hubungan ekonomi antara Malaysia dengan negara-negara maju seperti Britain dan Amerika Syarikat. Setelah mencapai kemerdekaan, Malaysia masih mengharapkan pasaran dan juga modal dari negara-negara tersebut. Beberapa langkah telah diambil bagi menggalakkan pelaburan asing. Langkah ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi negara di samping menyediakan peluang pekerjaan. Menjelang tahun 1980-an, melalui Dasar Pandang ke Timur, pelaburan asing juga digalakkan dari negara-negara di Timur terutama Jepun dan Korea. Pada masa yang sama, Malaysia menjalin hubungan baik dengan negara-negara yang sedang membangun dan juga negara-negara Islam bagi meningkatkan pasaran barangan keluaran Malaysia di samping mengadakan pelaburan di negara berkenaan.


Sebagai sebuah negara yang mengamalkan system pemerintahan demokrasi berparlimen, Malaysia berhak menentukan hala tuju masa hadapannnya sendiri berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip keamanan sejagat. Ini jelas terpapar dalam dasar luar Malaysia yang menekankan pemeliharaan kedaulatan negara-negara lain. Contohnya, dasar Malaysia yang menyokong Palestin bagi mewujudkan keamanan di rantau Asia Barat. Malaysia juga berpegang teguh pada prinsip-prinsip dan Piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) bagi memelihara keamanan dunia. Oleh itu, Malaysia tegas dengan pendiriannya menyokong semua resolusi yang telah diambil oleh PBB bagi mencapai dan mengekalkan keamanan dunia.


Malaysia mempunyai kedudukan yang strategik di Asia Tenggara dan bersempadan dengan hampir kebanyakan negar di rantau ini seperti Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina dan Brunei. Perairannya juga menjadi laluan utama kapal-kapal perdagangan di dunia. Dengan itu, keselamatan negara serantau akan mempengaruhi dan meninggalkan kesan terhadap keselamatan Malaysia.


Malaysia telah menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik yang baik dengan negara-negara Islam sejajar dengan penduduknya yang majority beragama Islam. Malaysia tidak mengadakan hubungan diplomatik dengan negara Israel disebabkan dasar negara berkenaan yang menceroboh dan menindas peribumi Palestin.
Rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama juga diberikan kebebasan sepenuhnya untuk mengamalkan budaya hidup dan agama masing-masing. Amalan konsep perpaduan dan sikap komited terhadap hak asasi manusia meneybabkan Malaysia menentang keras Dasar Apartheid yang diamalkan di Afrika Selatan. Malaysia juga tidak mengadakan sebarang hubungan diplomatik dengan negara berkenaan sehinggalah undang-undang dasar apartheid itu dihapuskan oleh kerajaan Afrika Selatan. Oleh itu, faktor kepelbagaian kaum di negara ini amat mempengaruhi pembentukan dasar luar Malaysia.